International education is an important part of Australian culture. It offers Australian universities and citizens numerous cultural, profitable and social benefits. It establishes long-term relationships with cultures and people all around the world. The latest Australian strategy enables Australia’s international education sector to be more innovative, future-focused and globally competitive.

Australian Government is developing new strategies for International student to ensure that the education sector is sustainable and continues to be able to deliver quality outcomes for international students and the new strategies will:

  • Acknowledge the changing environment
  • guide the recovery of the sector from Covid-19
  • Strengthens our reputation for high-quality education and training
  • Describe our priorities and commitment to international education over the next 10 years
  • Provide the innovation and responsiveness of the education sector
  • React to new opportunities, including changes in student demands
  • Maintain our status as an influential and dependable international education partner

How we will develop the new Australian strategies for international students

We invite and collaborate with the entire sector to develop a new strategy:

To get participate, you can:

  • Respond to the consultation paper on strategy
  • Take part in the public webinar

The consultation paper was developed by the expert member of the council for International Education in collaboration with our department. It describes our proposed vision and goals for the strategy, and immediate priorities for the over the next 10 years.

To take part on developing the new strategies for international education, you can:

The Minister for Education and Youth – Alan Tudge said that their government is planning to shape the future of international education in Australia while launching consultations for the Australian strategy for International Education.

Minister Tudge said that he would suggest that a key part of the strategy should be to make international students feel welcome and appreciated as they are very important. 

The Australian government wants international students back as and when the COVID-19 situation allows, Minister Tudge also added that the COVID-19 disruption allows us to look at the sector and ensure it is working in the long-term for students and Australia, 

Minister Tudge said the Australian government is looking forward to the betterment of international enrollments towards our nation’s future skills needs, growing Australian businesses, creating more local jobs and add to our economic recovery.

The Hon Phil Honeywood, CEO of the International Education Association of Australia and Convener of the Expert Members of the Council for International Education, also said that the new strategy is an opportunity to establish a shared vision for Australian international education.

Mr Honeywood added that in the last two decades more than three million international students have studied in Australia. This has added to the vibrancy of Australian communities. They are looking forward to a national conversation on how they can work together to ensure that Australian international education meets the challenges in the future.
